Friday, March 18, 2011

We are Everywhere

When I look at who I am, what do I see?  What do I love?
Trees — the rocks — the mountains, the ocean, the sand — I love to feel these beings, with my heart with my hands.
Who am I when I see you in the mirror — ancient warrior, shaman, girl ,  a woman, a man, a boy — a thousand faces —dreaming, smiling, crying, giving birth — my strength it is to feel. 
And my purpose?  To let the music move through me, move my heart to tears.  To Joy.
Who are you Little Drum?  Really? 
My essence is to feel.  To use the power of these feelings to not become lost in them, but to express, to MOVE, to grow, to create.  I can assist others to move, to grow, to heal, to create. 
Fill yourself with your gifts.  What makes you feel most alive?  Touching my unique spirit.  Expressing.  Energy.  Moving it.  Through sounds — motion.  The soul’s beauty seduced into form — a sound, a wave, an utterance, a cry.
My heart swells when I look at her.  I feel the grasses blowing at the slightest wind.  I am right when I am in harmony with the land.
You think I’m beautiful — this is what makes me beautiful.  This land, this earth when she flows through me.  I am her emissary.  I walk forward in her name.  I bring the Ancient blood to reconnect with the heart spirit of the land.
Right now I am in my power.  Channeling my truth.  Expressing from the core of the Universe.  I am the channel for loving, living light.  This is what matters.  Touching love.  She is everywhere.  We are everywhere.  In all of us.   Discover the jewel inside.  That is my name.

Story by Little Drum


Judy said...

Beautiful story. I wish I could flow my dreams into words like that.

Little Drum Dreams said...

Ask and it is given.....
Stories have many forms. :-)